
Hourglass by Myra McEntire 


Hourglass (Hourglass, #1)
by Myra McEntire

Pages: 390
Emerson Cole’s world is falling apart. Literally. Her parents are dead, she had to change schools, and now she seems to be seeing ghosts. When strange, but very handsome Michael comes into her life, Emerson is sure things are starting to look up. That is, until she realizes that Michael has been hired by her brother to help her deal with the spirits she keeps seeing. As Emerson and Michael begin to work together, the scenes she experiences become more vivid and her feelings for him are undeniable. How can Emerson control her emotions for the off-limits older boy when she’s so distracted by things of the spirit-world?
Hourglass is a nice mix of The Matrix, & The X-Men, with a fabulous teenage love story thrown in for good measure. It has action, time-travel, betrayal, family dynamics, and a strong female lead. I fell in love with Emerson, Michael, and the whole crew. The villians were human and believable and the heroes had their faults along with their good qualities. McEntire uses humor and imagination to create a story where the reader feels part of Emerson’s world. Hourglass is the first in a series about Emerson’s adventures in time-shifting and special abilities.
Also…. don’t be surprised if I ever have a daughter and name her Emerson. I love that name!