The House on Mango Street
by Sandra Cisneros
by Sandra Cisneros
Pages: 128
My rating: C-
Source: Purchased
The House on Mango Street is a series of vignettes about life as a young Hispanic girl in Chicago. Esperanza tells her tale of living in the wrong house, not being quite pretty enough, and having to deal with the pressures of going to Catholic school. She struggles with her identity, while trying to grow up at the same time.
This was one of those novels that most people were made to read in English class in Middle School or High School. Not me. I don’t know why I put it off for so long, because it isn’t a very long read at all.
Cisneros has long been applauded for this novel, as well as her works of poetry. I can see that she would probably be a very interesting poet to read, but I just didn’t care for this book at all. The sections were very choppy and it didn’t give me enough time to really connect with the characters. Some of Cisneros’ descriptions were beautifully written, but it just didn’t override the fact that there was little character development and cohesiveness between the vignettes.
Am I the only one that feels this way? I feel like this is one of those stories that so many people love, but I’m just not able to jump on that bandwagon. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy it much more than I did. This will probably go in the pile to donate to the public library.